听了那么久霉霉,还不知道out of the woods 什么意思? - 6080新视觉影院

听了那么久霉霉,还不知道out of the woods 什么意思?

来源:人气:0更新:2022-06-03 12:06:07

原标题:听了那么久霉霉,还不知道out of the woods 什么意思?

《1989》是Taylor Swift第一张官方正式流行乐专辑,专辑名《1989》的灵感源于她出生那年的音乐,她认为 Annie Lennox 和 Madonna 在那个时期的音乐超出了她们所处的时代,这些音乐也为她的创作提供了诸多灵感。

在这个专辑里有这么一首歌叫做《OUT OF THE WOODS》,当初第一次听就是嗯?什么意思呢?林子外面?


“out of the woods”, 这个短语正确的含义是:out of the woods 脱离险境(或困境)

The project has been given funding for another year, but it's not out of the woods yet.


Although the fund said growth in most advanced and emerging economies was accelerating as expected, it said the world was not out of the woods yet with deflation fears rising in Europe and the US and vulnerability in some emerging economies.


这就是“out of the woods”的意思,你学会了吗?

